
Living With Epilepsy

Living with epilepsy goes beyond knowing what kind of seizure you have and what medications you need to take.1 You need to face many day-to-day aspects of life, which can be challenging. Some issues to think about regularly include:

  • Your ability to manage a seizure when it arises
  • How seizures affect your family, friends, and others around you
  • Your relationship with your healthcare provider/caregivers
  • Your social relationships
  • Your overall mood and perceptions of your disorder

It’s important to know that people with epilepsy can live normal lives if their seizures are controlled. To obtain good seizure control you need to stay actively involved in your treatment as much as possible.1 You can do this by taking the time to understand your condition, learning how best to manage a seizure, practicing a healthy lifestyle, making your home and workspaces as safe as possible, and thinking ahead to the future.

Finding the Right Resources

A diagnosis of epilepsy can be upsetting for anyone. Fortunately, you are not alone—many people experience epilepsy, and a variety of resources exist to connect individuals with epilepsy. Some of these resources are:

And, as always, ask your healthcare professionals for help. One of the most important resources to help you live with epilepsy is to find a support network. These people can help when you need it and suggest how you can give help when you can to others who may need it.


  1. Epilepsy Foundation. Managing seizures. Accessed 8/5/2024. https://www.epilepsy.com/manage

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